
ReUp for more sustainable polymer design solutions

Versalis enters the furniture and home decor sector with the new ReUp brand, created for the production and marketing of solutions made out of plastics entirely or partially obtained from renewable or recycled sources.

Starting from the name ReUp, which represents the inspiration to recreate value, the project aims to create a supply chain that, with the collaboration of designers, industry specialists, and home decor brands, aims to produce furniture items with recycled or renewable plastics, maintaining high standards of quality, performance, and design.

ReUp kicks off with a significant collaboration with Vesta, a company founded in 2000, with which Versalis has already carried out the restyling of the meeting room at the Versalis site in Ravenna.

This project confirms and strengthens Versalis' commitment to creating innovative and increasingly sustainable solutions for the continuous development of new markets and applications.


Reimagine. Renew. ReUp.

These are the three elements that tell the identity of the new Versalis reality.

Reimagine reflects a new way of thinking about solutions, ideas, and scenarios related to the universe of plastic products.

Renew pertains to new production and consumption needs. A plastic entirely or partially obtained from renewable or recycled sources thanks to Versalis' technology and know-how.

The last element of the triad is the name, ReUp, which reinforces the awareness of the new brand.

The three elements are united by the presence of the prefix RE- which communicates the central aspect of circularity. A strong and assertive tagline is a synthetic and essential manifesto that communicates a new vision not only of production but also and above all of cultural approach.



Inspired by the language of chemistry, the logo refers to the superscripts that appear in chemical formulas, but more broadly suggests an elevation to the power of a material that, starting from the bottom, acquires value thanks to a chemical and technological process attentive to sustainability and people's needs.

Vesta s.r.l.

The company Vesta s.r.l. is in Castelfidardo (An) and produces excellent products for the most prestigious fashion and luxury brands.

Through its collaborators, true master craftsmen, it combines their know-how with the modern technologies at its disposal.

It produces an original line of furniture, furnishing accessories, and, in general, furnishing and lighting solutions under the guidance of its creative department.

Made in Italy, passion, and sustainability are the characterizing elements of the company.