Versalis enters the market for bio-based products in the agriculture sector for the protection of crops
San Donato Milanese (Milan), November 30th, 2020 – Versalis enters the market for bio-based products in the agriculture sector for the protection of crops. Thanks to an agreement with AlphaBio Control, a research and development company with offices in the United Kingdom and Italy specialised in the production of natural formulations for the protection of crops with its products already known in the pesticides market, Eni’s chemical company will develop bio-based and biodegradable herbicides and also biocides for the disinfection of surfaces, using as active ingredient productions from the bio-chemical platform in Porto Torres, Sardinia.
The commercialization of the two product lines will be launched in Italy in the early months of 2021, with the aim of subsequently extending the portfolio with new products that the two companies are studying in their research laboratories.
Daniele Ferrari, CEO of Versalis (Eni) said: «Through the collaboration with AlphaBio, whose extraction, processing and production is certified according to the highest international standards we will expand the portfolio and the range of applications of its products from renewable sources and will strengthen its market positioning in line with the principles of bioeconomy and sustainability, with significant opportunity for further consolidation bio-chemical productions at the Sardinian industrial site.»
Iain Fleming, CEO of AlphaBio added that «AlphaBio recognises the value and opportunity of working with a partner such as Versalis who is publicly committed to circular economy. The fit between our two companies is truly synergistic.»