Towards Net Zero by 2050

We want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move to a low-emission business model, thus contributing to a more sustainable future.

A chemical industry committed to a low-carbon future

We have implemented a decarbonisation policy in line with Eni strategy, aiming to achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050*. Our commitment is embodied in a decarbonisation plan with specific emission reduction targets, including in the short/medium term, supported by decarbonisation levers and a solid dedicated governance framework.

* The Net Zero target is achieved when residual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are counterbalanced by the emissions removed from the atmosphere.

Decarbonisation roadmap and targets

It is essential to measure emissions in order to manage and reduce them over time, compared to a specific base year. For Versalis, the reference scope 1+2+3 carbon footprint is that of 2018, in accordance with the international GHG Protocol and WBCSD guidelines for the chemical industry and verified by an independent third party auditor, and amounts to around 13 million tonnes CO2eq.

* The GHG Protocol divides emissions as follows:

• Scope 1: direct emissions from company activities
• Scope 2: indirect emissions from energy purchases
• Scope 3: indirect emissions generated by activities along the entire value chain

** The GHG Protocol is an international standard arising from the partnership between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It provides standards, guidelines, tools and training sessions for businesses and governments to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions.

Our decarbonisation levers

The Versalis decarbonisation strategy is based on the development of complementary products and solutions that work synergetically to achieve targets. In this regard, the main levers supporting the Versalis strategy are the circular economy, renewable chemicals, renewable energy and low-emission technology.


Low-emission technology

We aim to develop and make competitive innovative technological solutions for the implementation of new and increasingly-efficient production processes, also considering the possibility of joint ventures with strategic partners.

For example, since 2021, we have been a member of the Cracker of the Future consortium with a view to developing innovative technology to electrify steam cracking plants, a key part of the petrochemical industry where most of its direct emissions are concentrated.


Renawable energy

We are actively involved in increasing the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency in all our businesses. For example, through synergies with Eni, we intend to increase the share of renewable electricity used to run production processes.


Circular economy

We are committed to the development of mechanical and chemical recycling technology for plastic and rubber and the use of more sustainable certified alternative feedstocks in place of conventional ones.

Please visit the Circular economy page for further details.


Renewable chemicals

We are developing renewable chemicals. In addition to the activities already underway at our two technology facilities, Crescentino and Porto Torres, we recently announced the takeover of Novamont, a leading player in the circular bioeconomy sector.

Please visit the renewable chemicals page for further details.